
Sacrifices a portion of your Life and Energy Shield to engulf you in magical fire that rapidly burns nearby enemies for a duration. Your spell damage is substantially increased while under this effect.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
burn_damage_+% 1
Non-Vaal Counterpart

Base Stats

vaal_righteous_fire_life_and_es_%_to_lose_on_use base_skill_effect_duration is_area_damage modifiers_to_skill_effect_duration_also_affect_soul_prevention_duration instant_skill_is_added_to_held_skills_list
30 4000 1 1 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. str Req. Mana Cost vaal_righteous_fire_life_and_es_%_as_damage_per_second vaal_righteous_fire_spell_damage_+%_final
1 16 26 18 0 161 15
2 20 31 22 0 162 16
3 24 37 25 0 163 17
4 28 42 29 0 164 17
5 31 46 32 0 165 18
6 34 50 35 0 166 19
7 37 54 37 0 167 19
8 40 58 40 0 168 20
9 43 62 43 0 169 21
10 46 66 46 0 170 21
11 49 70 48 0 171 22
12 52 74 51 0 172 23
13 55 78 54 0 173 23
14 58 82 57 0 174 24
15 60 84 59 0 175 25
16 62 87 60 0 176 25
17 64 90 62 0 177 26
18 66 92 64 0 178 27
19 68 95 66 0 179 27
20 70 98 68 0 180 28
21 72 100 70 0 181 29
22 74 103 72 0 182 29
23 76 106 73 0 183 30
24 78 108 75 0 184 31
25 80 111 77 0 185 31
26 82 113 79 0 186 32
27 84 116 81 0 187 33
28 86 119 83 0 188 33
29 88 121 85 0 189 34
30 90 124 86 0 190 35
31 91 125 87 0 191 35
32 92 127 88 0 192 35
33 93 128 89 0 193 36
34 94 129 90 0 194 36
35 95 131 91 0 195 36
36 96 132 92 0 196 37
37 97 133 93 0 197 37
38 98 135 94 0 198 37
39 99 136 95 0 199 38
40 100 137 96 0 200 38