
Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. Your spell damage is substantially increased while under this effect. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
burn_damage_+% 1
Base Stats

base_righteous_fire_%_of_max_life_to_deal_to_nearby_per_minute base_nonlethal_fire_damage_%_of_maximum_life_taken_per_minute base_righteous_fire_%_of_max_energy_shield_to_deal_to_nearby_per_minute base_nonlethal_fire_damage_%_of_maximum_energy_shield_taken_per_minute instant_skill_is_added_to_held_skills_list
1200 5400 1200 4200 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. str Req. Mana Cost righteous_fire_spell_damage_+%_final active_skill_base_radius_+ base_fire_damage_to_deal_per_minute
1 16 26 18 0 20 0 2145
2 20 31 22 0 21 0 3011
3 24 37 25 0 22 0 4152
4 28 42 29 0 23 1 5644
5 31 46 32 0 24 1 7053
6 34 50 35 0 25 1 8765
7 37 54 37 0 26 1 10842
8 40 58 40 0 27 2 13356
9 43 62 43 0 28 2 16392
10 46 66 46 0 29 2 20055
11 49 70 48 0 30 2 24464
12 52 74 51 0 31 3 29766
13 55 78 54 0 32 3 36131
14 58 82 57 0 33 3 43763
15 60 84 59 0 34 3 49672
16 62 87 60 0 35 4 56333
17 64 90 62 0 36 4 63838
18 66 92 64 0 37 4 72289
19 68 95 66 0 38 4 81801
20 70 98 68 0 39 5 92505
21 72 100 70 0 40 5 104543
22 74 103 72 0 41 5 118078
23 76 106 73 0 42 5 133288
24 78 108 75 0 43 6 150376
25 80 111 77 0 44 6 169567
26 82 113 79 0 45 6 191112
27 84 116 81 0 46 6 215292
28 86 119 83 0 47 7 242421
29 88 121 85 0 48 7 272850
30 90 124 86 0 49 7 306970
31 91 125 87 0 49 7 325548
32 92 127 88 0 50 8 345217
33 93 128 89 0 50 8 366039
34 94 129 90 0 51 8 388080
35 95 131 91 0 51 8 411411
36 96 132 92 0 52 9 436104
37 97 133 93 0 52 9 462238
38 98 135 94 0 53 9 489895
39 99 136 95 0 53 9 519162
40 100 137 96 0 54 10 550131