Displaying 282 Items
A Dab of Ink
The Poet's Pen
The Poet's blood is the Empire's ink.

The Poet's Pen

A Mother's Parting Gift
Fertile Mind
Nature was her domain,
Love was her song,
Family was her devotion,
Knowledge was her gift.

Fertile Mind

Abandoned Wealth
3x Exalted Orb
When the world burned, the greedy burned with it, while the clever left as paupers.

3x Exalted Orb

Akil's Prophecy
Fated Unique Item
The Hatungos know many answers to the same question, for time itself is a tangled web.

Fated Unique Item

Alluring Bounty
10x Exalted Orb
A treasure worth killing for is a treasure worth dying for.

10x Exalted Orb

Alone in the Darkness
Delve Item
"Sometimes, the most beautiful treasures... are the ones you cannot have." - Beryl,
Survivor from the Azurite Mines

Delve Item

Anarchy's Price
Voltaxic Rift Corrupted
Born of relentless fury and abhorrence, warped by turmoil and anguish, tainted through desire and carnality, I thirst for bloodshed once more.

Voltaxic Rift Corrupted

Arrogance of the Vaal
Item Two-Implicit Corrupted
Discovery can lead to beauty, or it can lead to ruin.

Item Two-Implicit Corrupted

Assassin's Favour
By the time their eyes meet, the dark deal has long since been made, and his fate long since sealed.
Atziri's Arsenal
Weapon Corrupted
In the prison of all sins, will you grasp godhood or sorrow? Only hope lies under the shadows.

Weapon Corrupted

Doryani's Fist Corrupted
A jolt, and it moves. Or smolders. A current, and it lives. Or dies. A surge, and it transcends. Or... not. Only one way to find out.

Doryani's Fist Corrupted

Azyran's Reward
Prismatic Jewel Corrupted
Method transcends shape and size. Do something in parallel long enough, and you will always find another way.

Prismatic Jewel Corrupted

Beauty Through Death
Queen's Sacrifice
Her beauty did not fade her humanity did not survive.

Queen's Sacrifice

Blessing of God
Elreon's Jewellery Item Level: 85
When the darkness weighs upon you, grow light from within.

Elreon's Jewellery Item Level: 85

Blind Venture
Ring Corrupted
"It's risky not knowing where your wares come from. That's why I source my own."
- Klayver, the Antiquarian

Ring Corrupted

Boon of Justice
Offering to the Goddess
Some gifts are obligations while others are simply opportunities.

Offering to the Goddess

Boon of the First Ones
Bestiary Item
Wreathed in the skin and bonesof the beasts she slew, her gift came from what she lost: her humanity.

Bestiary Item

Boundless Realms
Boundless is the distance between where we start and where we start again.
Bowyer's Dream
Six-Link Harbinger Bow Item Level: 91
If this is my dream,
I don't wish to wake.

Six-Link Harbinger Bow Item Level: 91

Buried Treasure
Sulphite Scarab
You can't seek riches without getting your hands dirty.

Sulphite Scarab

Burning Blood
Xoph's Blood Corrupted
There's a place where up is down, where right is wrong, where pleasure is agony, and where the living wish only for death.

Xoph's Blood Corrupted

Call to the First Ones
Tier 1 Talisman Corrupted
The Ezomyte, desperate for aid, cried out to the gods.

Tier 1 Talisman Corrupted

Cartographer's Delight
Map Map Tier: 5
A map is similar to a pair of eyes, without one you stumble around, unable to find your way.

Map Map Tier: 5

Chaotic Disposition
5x Chaos Orb
Life isn't what you make of it, it's already been made for you.

5x Chaos Orb

Coveted Possession
5x Regal Orb
A taste of power brings a hunger for more.

5x Regal Orb

Dark Dreams
Bone Helmet Elder Item
No one ever truly understood what she meant when she said she wanted to raise a family.

Bone Helmet Elder Item

Dark Temptation
"Only a fool looks to the occult for power and expects to be spared from its wrath." - Voll,
Emperor of Purity


Mon'tregul's Grasp
The end of the old, the beginning of the new. A unique opportunity for transformation, for those with the powerto grasp it.


Mon'tregul's Grasp

Demigod's Wager
Orb of Annulment
Sometimes you need to make your own luck.

Orb of Annulment

Destined to Crumble
Body Armour Item Level: 100
"Let us not forget the most important lesson the Vaal taught us: Nothing is eternal."
- Siosa Foaga,
Imperial Scholar

Body Armour Item Level: 100

Dialla's Subjugation
Superior Support GemQuality: +23%Corrupted
A symbol of beauty and innocenceThe gems corrupted her mindMalachai corrupted her gemsAll but a glimmer ofgreatness lost in madness

Superior Support GemQuality: +23%Corrupted

Doedre's Madness
Doedre Item
"Hold your tongue before I claim it." - Doedre Darktongue

Doedre Item

Dying Anguish
Superior Level 19 Gem Quality: +19%
Moribund, he gazed upon the journey taken as blood trickled down his chin. His eye closed on the city ahead that he would never call home.

Superior Level 19 Gem Quality: +19%

Earth Drinker
Granite Flask
Taste and grow strong. Drink too much and be buried.

Granite Flask

Echoes of Love
Fidelitas' Spike Two-Implicit Corrupted
"I gave up my body for you. I gave up my name for you. And one day I shall give up my life for you."

Fidelitas' Spike Two-Implicit Corrupted

Emperor of Purity
Six-Link Holy Chainmail Item Level: 60
True to his title,
Voll, newly crowned, had many of theEternal Empire's signatureextravagances destroyed.

Six-Link Holy Chainmail Item Level: 60

Emperor's Luck
5x Currency
The house always wins.

5x Currency

Forbidden Power
Balefire Corrupted
Some things should not be used. Some power is too great a risk.

Balefire Corrupted

Gemcutter's Promise
Superior Gem Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus,
Imperial Gemcutter

Superior Gem Quality: +20%

Gift of the Gemling Queen
Level 20 Support Gem
Our Lady Dialla, as a symbol of our progress, shines greater than all the gems.

Level 20 Support Gem

Glimmer of Hope
Gold Ring
When you dwell in total darkness, even the faintest light may guide you out.

Gold Ring

Grave Knowledge
Summon Raging Spirit Quality: +20%
The dead tell me great insights. They've had nothing but time to sit and think.

Summon Raging Spirit Quality: +20%

Harmony of Souls
9x Shrieking Essence
Shrieking souls locked away Hate splits frozen cells asunder The knot of corruptionundone at last

9x Shrieking Essence

Her Mask
Sacrifice Fragment
To her beauty you submit, lest your neck the great Queen slit.

Sacrifice Fragment

Two-Stone Ring
Black and White,
Silver and GoldLet us see the world UnfoldRed and Blue,
Yellow and GreenLet us remake it in colours Unseen

Two-Stone Ring

Prismatic Ring Corrupted
The others succumbed to madness and depravity, but Lori fought on. Alone in the darkness, she could still see the dull light of hope's distant dawn.


Prismatic Ring Corrupted

House of Mirrors
Mirror of Kalandra
What do you see in the mirror?

Mirror of Kalandra

"This one? It is NOT for sale. You would sooner pry it from my lifeless hand."
- Jonfé Darontos,



Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

Hunter's Resolve
Primed, curved and sleek. Decisive and final. For malice and righteousness. There's but one solution.
Hunter's Reward
The Taming
To tame a beast, you first must subdue its heart.

The Taming

Immortal Resolve
Fated Connections
The threads of fate are the strongest ties.

Fated Connections

Imperial Legacy
Six-Link Imperial Bow Item Level: 100
A life lost,
A legacy born.

Six-Link Imperial Bow Item Level: 100

Jack in the Box
Turn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.
Lantador's Lost Love
Two-Stone Ring
They fought the storm together as one,
Until the longest of days was done. Their love grew strongerwith every breath,
Until it was broken apart in death.

Two-Stone Ring

Last Hope
Mortal Hope
As their civilisation crumbled, the Vaal looked to their queen. In her, they saw a way out. In them, she saw a burden she was happy to free herself from.

Mortal Hope

Left to Fate
Map Map Tier: 16 Unidentified Corrupted
Many strive for greatness, but it is challenge, unforseen, that forges heroes.

Map Map Tier: 16 Unidentified Corrupted

Light and Truth
Crystal Sceptre
Time and changeshall naught avail,
To dim the Lightof Truth's fair grail.

Crystal Sceptre

Lingering Remnants
Vaal Temple Map Item Level: 83 Corrupted
Never dying, yet not living,
Endlessly they wanderbeneath the harvest moon.

Vaal Temple Map Item Level: 83 Corrupted

Lost Worlds
Map Map Tier: 15
"There are worlds that lie beyond the edge of my page, the edge of my understanding. Worlds of wonder. Worlds of terror."Aramil - Cartographer to Emperor Chitus

Map Map Tier: 15

3x Orb of Fusing
Bound by fate, inseparable by choice.

3x Orb of Fusing

Luck of the Vaal
Vaal Gauntlets Corrupted
They can't be THAT lucky, or they'd still be here!

Vaal Gauntlets Corrupted

Lucky Connections
20x Orb of Fusing
Luck is a fool's game, and I know plenty of rich fools.

20x Orb of Fusing

Lucky Deck
10x Stacked Deck
When the outcome is the same, does it matter if it is fortune or trickery?

10x Stacked Deck

Lysah's Respite
Agate Amulet Corrupted
So many memories, so much pain insuch a small token. Drown it in bloodso you can forget.

Agate Amulet Corrupted

Mawr Blaidd
Eyes of the Greatwolf
Rigwald believed he'd seized great power, but it was the great power that had seized Rigwald

Eyes of the Greatwolf

Merciless Armament
Merciless Two-Hand WeaponItem Level: 100
"Through thick and thin, blood and bone, a peaceful lifeis one I can't condone."
- Tukohama,
Father Of War

Merciless Two-Hand WeaponItem Level: 100

Might is Right
The mind had much to endure before the advent of thaumaturgy.


Those whose hands are their livelihood know the importance of keeping them safe and warm.



10x Cartographer's Sextant
"You cannot portray the world using just one colour. Together, you and I, we will paint our world into perfection." - Kyra, renegade thaumaturgist

10x Cartographer's Sextant

More is Never Enough
Gilded Scarab
Greed is a hunger that only grows as you feed it

Gilded Scarab

No Traces
30x Orb of Scouring
There is no mistake so great that it cannot be undone.

30x Orb of Scouring

Nook's Crown
Bone Helmet Item Level: 100 Elder Item
Every skull was once a person. Though 'Who?' is rarely asked. Friends, who wear the crown of Nook,
Never need to ask. They remember.

Bone Helmet Item Level: 100 Elder Item

Jewellery Item Level: 100 Shaper Item
There are countless worlds, but only those with limitless potential will be able to achieve perfection.

Jewellery Item Level: 100 Shaper Item

Pride Before the Fall
Kaom's Heart Corrupted
As Kaom slew the last of his kin, something deep inside him broke. And through the cracks, corruption, pure and black, spread forth.

Kaom's Heart Corrupted

Pride of the First Ones
Farrul's Fur
Upon silent paws and masked by the reeds,
Farrul's hunt begins as the light recedes.

Farrul's Fur

Perandus' Gold Ring
Accumulating wealth has its own costs.

Perandus' Gold Ring

Rain Tempter
Strand Map Item Level: 73
Be like water, friend.

Strand Map Item Level: 73

Rain of Chaos
Chaos Orb
Fire filled the sky that night Chaos reigned Where the shards fell All was destroyed -Jozen Kasigi, retelling an urban legend of the Cataclysm

Chaos Orb

Rat's Nest
Whoever said 'more is always better' has obviously never met a rat.


Rat's Nest

Charan's Sword
He shattered Her smile
Scattered the fragments like ash
All she did was laugh


Charan's Sword

Precursor's Emblem Corrupted
"For all your struggles, all your achievements, even for the greatest of us, a story is all that remains. Write it well." -Julius Perandus,
Father of Chitus

Precursor's Emblem Corrupted

Sambodhi's Vow
Mortal Fragment
He dispels dark realmsuntil mortal sufferingsyield to hopeful light.

Mortal Fragment

Scholar of the Seas
Mao Kun
I've never come upon a ship I could not command. I have however met sailors that were not willing to be led.
Seven Years Bad Luck
Mirror Shard
If enough people believe something to be true, whether or not it is becomes irrelevant.

Mirror Shard

Shard of Fate
Vivid Jewel
Their whims left unknown,
Their life left for others.

Vivid Jewel

Struck by Lightning
Electrocuting Jewellery Item Level: 76
"Lightning never strikes the same place twice"is really just wishful thinking.

Electrocuting Jewellery Item Level: 76

The Admirer
Atziri Item
Lucian lost himself in ancient scrolls and found in those scrolls a love whose power bridged a millennium.

Atziri Item

The Aesthete
Shavronne Item
"Some see our mortal flesh as a limitation. I see it as an opportunity for vast, miraculous improvements."
- Shavronne of Umbra

Shavronne Item

The Archmage's Right Hand
Glyphic Prophecy Wand Item Level: 100
"When grasped in his hand, even an ordinary piece of wood can make the heavens tremble with fear."

Glyphic Prophecy Wand Item Level: 100

The Arena Champion
Colosseum Map
The fight is the easy part. It's the years of training that'll kill you.

Colosseum Map

The Army of Blood
I gave my mind without a fight,
The twelfth hour I lost control. The day is gone but there is light, eyes that glow like red-hot coal.


The Artist
Level 4 Enhance Corrupted
"Paint, metal, flesh... A true artist does not limit himself." - Malachai the Soulless

Level 4 Enhance Corrupted

The Avenger
Mjölner Corrupted
Justice comes swift
Equal to the crime
Revenge is a gift
Life for a life
Eye for an eye

Mjölner Corrupted

The Bargain
Pure Breachstone
In the pursuit of power, as in that of wealth, anything goes.

Pure Breachstone

The Battle Born
"No man can best me, no demon can fell me. For I vanquish all with my axe!"
The Beast
Belly of the Beast
To know the monster, you must become the monster.

Belly of the Beast

The Betrayal
Maligaro's Virtuosity
It's sad times we live in when a friendship has a price people are willing to pay.

Maligaro's Virtuosity

The Blazing Fire
Chin Sol
Lethal, untouchable, keen, aflame. Just what I was looking for.

Chin Sol

The Body
Body Armour
They say it is the head that leads, but all must flow through the body at some point.

Body Armour

The Breach
Breach Item
Ever get the feeling you're being watched...?

Breach Item

The Brittle Emperor
Voll's Devotion Corrupted
"When Voll spared Malachai, accepting his aid in pursuit of Purity, the strongest faith was infected by Corruption and made brittle as glass."
- Victario, the People's Poet

Voll's Devotion Corrupted

The Cacophony
3x Deafening Essence
Nothing can be heard above the din or seen amongst the turmoil. The senses are shattered. All is left to fate.

3x Deafening Essence

The Calling
Beyond Item
Blood flows not just through veins, but through worlds.

Beyond Item

The Carrion Crow
Life Armour
From death, life. From life, death. The wheel turns, and the corbies wheel overhead.

Life Armour

The Cartographer
10x Cartographer's Chisel
It's always easier to find your way if you draw a map of the progress you've made.

10x Cartographer's Chisel

The Cataclysm
Level 21 Spell Gem Corrupted
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.

Level 21 Spell Gem Corrupted

The Catalyst
Vaal Orb
Simple actions can lead the world to an early grave.

Vaal Orb

The Celestial Justicar
Six-Link Astral Plate
Wrapped in the glory of the heavens, she comes to mete out justice for the fallen.

Six-Link Astral Plate

The Celestial Stone
Opal Ring Item Level: 100 Shaper Item
Stare into its depths too long, and you may lose yourself entirely.

Opal Ring Item Level: 100 Shaper Item

The Chains that Bind
Six-Link Body Armour
Scarier than any criminal is an innocent man in chains, for when he breaks free, his revenge will be justified.

Six-Link Body Armour

The Coming Storm
Lightning Coil
No man may hope to turn back the storm. You can only hope you do not attract its ire.

Lightning Coil

The Conduit
Doryani's Fist
The path to godhood is guided by the hand of sacrifice.

Doryani's Fist

The Cursed King
Rigwald's Curse
The First Onesmay be blasphemy, but they arepowerful blasphemy.

Rigwald's Curse

The Damned
Soul Ripper
Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.

Soul Ripper

The Dapper Prodigy
Six-Link Body Armour Item Level: 100
"Many believe murder is a grisly, grim, and grotesque crime. Then there are those who simply make art of it."

Six-Link Body Armour Item Level: 100

The Dark Mage
Six-Link Staff Item Level: 55
With staff in handand wrath in heart, your soul and corpseshall surely part.

Six-Link Staff Item Level: 55

The Darkest Dream
Severed in Sleep Corrupted
A dream from which you cannot awake is nothing other than a nightmare.

Severed in Sleep Corrupted

The Deal
Cartography Scarab
In the pursuit of wealth, as in that of power, anything goes.

Cartography Scarab

The Deceiver
Belt of the Deceiver Corrupted
Beware the combatant who shows no confidence, yet still enters the ring, for they are surely hiding something.

Belt of the Deceiver Corrupted

The Deep Ones
"The Seas Call, the Mad Answer"


The Demon
Headhunter Two-Implicit Corrupted
A man who hears voices may not necessarily be crazy.

Headhunter Two-Implicit Corrupted

The Demoness
Death's Hand
Wherever she went, death was sure to follow.

Death's Hand

The Devastator
Atziri's Disfavour Corrupted
Only a fool tries to contain unlimited power.

Atziri's Disfavour Corrupted

The Doctor
"They said I needed my head examined, but I'd rather just take yours."
- Klopek the Cannibal


The Doppelganger
Superior Mirror Arrow Quality: +20%
Upon seeing her face,
I am terrified—the moon shows me my own form!

Superior Mirror Arrow Quality: +20%

The Dragon
Coruscating Elixir
Scaly beast of the skies, watching with his golden eyes. Shadow that blocks out the sun, it's too late for you to run.

Coruscating Elixir

The Dragon's Heart
Level 4 Empower Corrupted
They say when a dragon dies, the flesh smoulders and burns until all that remains is the still, white-hot, heart.

Level 4 Empower Corrupted

The Dreamer
Chayula Item
A dark note drips from the dreamer's lips,
A honeyed melody. We stand, we fall on his beck and call, for in his dream we're free.

Chayula Item

The Dreamland
Poorjoy's Asylum
All dreams vanish when the dreamers wake.

Poorjoy's Asylum

The Drunken Aristocrat
Divination Distillate
The finer the brew, the harder it is to remember drinking it.

Divination Distillate

The Encroaching Darkness
Map Corrupted
No matter where your dreams take you,
Nightmare follows close behind.

Map Corrupted

The Endless Darkness
Gaze towards the stars, but beware what gazes back.


The Endurance
Vivid Crimson Jewel
Crimson rubies, drops of vigour, flowing through my veins, flesh like coal, try to crush me, diamond is what remains.

Vivid Crimson Jewel

The Enlightened
Level 3 Enlighten
Weaving the six, a serpent stands tall. Wearing a crown, the thousand petals call.

Level 3 Enlighten

The Ethereal
Six-Link Vaal Regalia
"Long ago, people looked to the stars, believing they influenced us. Soon, it will be us who influence the stars."
- Doryani,
Queen's Thaumaturge

Six-Link Vaal Regalia

The Explorer
Map Corrupted
A map is only useful if you know where you stand.

Map Corrupted

The Eye of Terror
Pure Chayula Breachstone
The Lord of Chaos dreams as his Eye gazes, unblinking, at his prize. And soon, all shall tremble before his waking form.

Pure Chayula Breachstone

The Eye of the Dragon
Jewel Corrupted
Some powers are far too great even for thegods of old.

Jewel Corrupted

The Fathomless Depths
Fall into endless night; a voyage into an ocean of oblivion.


The Feast
Romira's Banquet Corrupted
Shame what happened to my husband. He had such good taste.

Romira's Banquet Corrupted

The Fiend
Headhunter Corrupted
Your era is now, your power unwavered, soon we will seewho the gods truly favoured.

Headhunter Corrupted

The Fletcher
Drillneck Corrupted
Let these fine arrows pack a punch.

Drillneck Corrupted

The Flora's Gift
Five-Link Staff Item Level: 66
Sturdy and strong, grown from the stream. The Flora that live here,
A combatant's dream.

Five-Link Staff Item Level: 66

The Fool
20x Orb of Chance
Even the most learned man is a fool to his own fate.

20x Orb of Chance

The Formless Sea
Formless might,
Wild beauty tamed,
The brine of gods,
The seas restrained.


The Forsaken
Umbilicus Immortalis
You gave us life and love, more than you could spare. Now you're gone, and we are stranded, alone, cold and without purpose.

Umbilicus Immortalis

The Fox
Level 20 Gem
"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb

Level 20 Gem

The Gambler
Divination Card
"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."

Divination Card

The Garish Power
Maligaro may have valued function over form, but that did not mute his flair for the dramatic.
The Gemcutter
Gemcutter's Prism
In the hands of a master craftsman, a worthless pebble can adorn the crown of a king.

Gemcutter's Prism

The Gentleman
Sword Corrupted
"Axes and mauls are so uncivilised. A good clean cut to the neck with a sharp blade, that's the Sarn way!"

Sword Corrupted

The Gladiator
Nightmare Bascinet
The thumb turns downand the crowd roars, they want death and the blood is yours.

Nightmare Bascinet

The Golden Era
Flaring Eclipse Staff Item Level: 100
Before gemlings, before thaumaturgy, a simple court magician could enthrall the masses.

Flaring Eclipse Staff Item Level: 100

The Hale Heart
Item Item Level: 100 Elder Item
Though the years weakened his mind, his body remained deadly as ever.

Item Item Level: 100 Elder Item

The Harvester
The Harvest
Taste not of theirforbidden fruit. Theirs is a harvest ofthe darkest kind, twisted, rotten anddamned for eternity.

The Harvest

The Hermit
The hermit's only friend is the greenery he can find.


The Heroic Shot
17x Chromatic Orb
Try a thousand times, and eventually you'll have to give up.

17x Chromatic Orb

The Hoarder
Exalted Orb
"More! I want more!" - Faendris, the Insatiable

Exalted Orb

The Hunger
Taste of Hate
"How many lives have you consumed?" "How many times have you blinked?"

Taste of Hate

The Immortal
House of Mirrors
"Greetings! Just because you think I'm greedy doesn't mean I'm not willing to share. You'll just have to kill me first."
-Grandmaster Dy'Ness

House of Mirrors

The Incantation
The Whispering Ice
When there is no other choice, even the meekest whisper can bring about the greatest storm.

The Whispering Ice

The Innocent
40x Orb of Regret
His brother would not atone, so he took his brother's life, and with it, his sins.

40x Orb of Regret

The Inoculated
Seraphim's Armour
Chaos spread, wreaking havoc and death. They said none would be spared, and yet here I stand.

Seraphim's Armour

The Insatiable
The Harvest Corrupted
A lust for souls. The urge to kill just to satisfy its thirst. An unbearable burden that would make even the purest heart blacken over time.

The Harvest Corrupted

The Inventor
10x Vaal Orb
Jump right in,
But beware Of things broken Or beyond compare.

10x Vaal Orb

The Iron Bard
Trash to Treasure
Do the simple words used alone cause men to cheer? One hundred others might just as soon make a jeer. Perchance it was the turn of the tone in this bit. See how their hearts shone once, by my song, they were lit.

Trash to Treasure

The Jester
Merciless One-Hand WeaponItem Level: 100
Summoned for the King's desire, soon applause came from the court. However insanity was his only sire, so the King's reign was cut short.

Merciless One-Hand WeaponItem Level: 100

The Jeweller's Boon
The Jeweller's Touch
The jeweller's true talent is the capacity to see a jewel's beauty before they draw it out.

The Jeweller's Touch

The Journey
Harbinger's Orb
Oh the places you will go, the sights you will see, the things you will meet.

Harbinger's Orb

The King's Blade
Bloodthirsty Eternal SwordItem Level: 66
"To know for what you fight. To get up again when you've been struck down. To outmanoeuvre someone faster, trick someone smarter, crush someone stronger. That's what it takes to claim the crown."
- Daresso, the King of Swords

Bloodthirsty Eternal SwordItem Level: 66

The King's Heart
Kaom's Heart
500 times Kaom's axe fell, 500 times Kaom's Heart splintered. Finally, all that remained was a terrible, heartless Fury.

Kaom's Heart

The Landing
The Beachhead Map Tier: 15 Corrupted
Warriors of a distant land, you embark on a journey from which you may not return, but which we will be all the better for.

The Beachhead Map Tier: 15 Corrupted

The Last One Standing
Atziri's Disfavour
The strongest emerge from suffering. The toughest bear the most scars. The sole survivor claims the greatest of rewards.

Atziri's Disfavour

The Lich
Midnight Bargain Corrupted
When the dead raise and master their own, the land is truly lost.

Midnight Bargain Corrupted

The Life Thief
Zerphi's Heart
"The process of eternal youth is a give and take. You give them death and take their youth."
- Zerphi of the Vaal

Zerphi's Heart

The Lion
Lioneye Item
The Eternals lauded his valour. The Karui relished his defeat. Yet the final thoughts of Marceus Lioneye were naught but lament for his pride.

Lioneye Item

The Lord in Black
Ring of Bameth Item Level: 83
Thy knee shall bendin shifting dark, thy blade shall serve his vigil. Thy oath shall bind theeto his mark, thy flesh shall bear his sigil.

Ring of Bameth Item Level: 83

The Lord of Celebration
Sceptre of Celebration Shaper Item
Though they were a pack of elite combatants, the Emperor's royal guards were not ready to face one of his notorious parties.

Sceptre of Celebration Shaper Item

The Lover
Jewellery Item Level: 79
"I wanted to give you three things. I've given you my eternal love. I've sung to you my most beautiful song. I'd have given you the moon last, but it couldn't be found. I hope you'll accept this instead."

Jewellery Item Level: 79

The Lunaris Priestess
Sire of Shards
Embrace the Light,
Await the Morrow,
No more Spite,
And no more Sorrow.

Sire of Shards

The Mad King
The King's Path
Fear the man who lusts for power, for he will do anything to get it.

The King's Path

The Master
Bisco's Collar
In a world filled with chaos, he could always seek comfort in the hands of his master.

Bisco's Collar

The Master Artisan
20x Quality Currency
Perfection is the standard, excellence will be handled on a case by case basis.

20x Quality Currency

The Mayor
The Perandus Manor
A ruler is only as powerful as he is wealthy. Control the coin, control the empire.

The Perandus Manor

The Mercenary
Shield Corrupted
Loyalty can be bought. Just make sure you know who the buyer is.

Shield Corrupted

The Messenger
Harbinger Fragment

Harbinger Fragment

The Metalsmith's Gift
Prismatic Ring
A month's work, a year's wages, a foolish shortcut through a Rhoa's nest, and a grieving bride-to-be, who never received her betrothed's great gift.

Prismatic Ring

The Mountain
Jewel of Potency
Charmed by beautiful stonesConsumed with the pursuit of perfectionEver deeper into the waiting dark

Jewel of Potency

The Nurse
The Doctor
We tried to tell him to get his head checked.

The Doctor

The Oath
Death's Oath
An oath once made is an oath never broken. Do not delay in keeping it, for I take no pleasure in fools.

Death's Oath

The Obscured
Our world, dangerous as it is, is far safer than what lies just beyond our sight.


The Offering
Shavronne's Wrappings
Eternal beauty has a cost, one which Shavronne was happy to pay with the lives of others.

Shavronne's Wrappings

The Old Man
Fishing Rod Two-Implicit Corrupted
Hear me, fish! I love and respect you, but before this day ends I will kill you dead.

Fishing Rod Two-Implicit Corrupted

The One With All
Le Heup of All Corrupted
Embrace death to honour the lost, no fear in life no matter the cost. With one of all we are, and all of one we trust, throughout past, present and future... be just.

Le Heup of All Corrupted

The Opulent
Ring Item Level: 100
Wealth can, in fact, buy happiness.

Ring Item Level: 100

The Pack Leader
Alpha's Howl
Become the leader you were born to be.

Alpha's Howl

The Pact
Pledge of Hands
"On this day I mark the first of many agreements that I will have with this land and its people."

Pledge of Hands

The Penitent
Unset Ring
I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next,
I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then,
I gave my family, and I was alone. Last,
I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.

Unset Ring

The Poet
Blood of Corruption Corrupted
God had forsaken the land And Victario wept. Corruption consumed the land And Victario's tears turned to blood.

Blood of Corruption Corrupted

The Polymath
Genius knows no limits.


The Porcupine
Six-Link Short Bow Item Level: 50
The first quill separates the quick learners from the dead.

Six-Link Short Bow Item Level: 50

The Price of Loyalty
Skin of the LoyalItem Level: 25Two-ImplicitCorrupted
"Forge me a carapace from their skin, imbued with their soul. Then feed their flesh to the hounds."

Skin of the LoyalItem Level: 25Two-ImplicitCorrupted

The Price of Protection
Elder Chateau Map Map Tier: 16
To protect her mansion, she would cut a deal with anyone. Anything. Something answered.

Elder Chateau Map Map Tier: 16

The Primordial
Jewel Primordial
We play at God with our necromancy, but forces far more potent sleep within these stones.

Jewel Primordial

The Professor
The Putrid Cloister
The academic route to knowledge is wide and well-trodden; but it is the untaught one who scales the mountain.

The Putrid Cloister

The Puzzle
5x Breachstone Splinter
As countless fractures weaken the divide, nightmares seep through from the other side.

5x Breachstone Splinter

The Queen
Atziri's Acuity
The power of the world, lies upon your hands.

Atziri's Acuity

The Rabid Rhoa
Malicious Gemini Claw Item Level: 83
"Experiment 22A: Rhoas, when deprived of water, secrete a most delightfully potent toxin."
- Maligaro

Malicious Gemini Claw Item Level: 83

The Realm
Superior Portal
If you wish to rush into strange places, be prepared to face strange things.

Superior Portal

The Risk
Ventor's Gamble
"There is no right or wrong choice, no best or worst. There are only choices and their consequences."

Ventor's Gamble

The Rite of Elements
Level 21 Golem Gem Corrupted
A mind as quick as lightning, fists as hard as stone, a heart that burns with fury, and eyes that chill to the bone.

Level 21 Golem Gem Corrupted

The Road to Power
Runic One-Hand Weapon Item Level: 100
A beacon on the horizon; a guiding light, a call for help, or a warning to turn back.

Runic One-Hand Weapon Item Level: 100

The Ruthless Ceinture
Meginord's Girdle Corrupted
In combat, a warrior must first be resourceful, and second, decisive.

Meginord's Girdle Corrupted

The Sacrifice
Six-Link Sacrificial Garb Item Level: 100
For some, the price of power is never too great.

Six-Link Sacrificial Garb Item Level: 100

The Saint's Treasure
2x Exalted Orb
Publicly, he lived a pious and chaste life of poverty. Privately, tithes and tributes made him and his lascivious company very comfortable indeed.

2x Exalted Orb

The Samurai's Eye
Watcher's Eye
At night, when the seas are calm, and the skies dark, he can see it. The formless fiend that took his eye, and fractured his mind.

Watcher's Eye

The Scarred Meadow
Wake of Destruction
The earth offers nourishment, growth and healing. Unless, of course, the sky has other plans.

Wake of Destruction

The Scavenger
Carcass Jack
Take small pieces of things and then assemble them together

Carcass Jack

The Scholar
40x Scroll of Wisdom
It is with the smallest of words that we find the largest of truths.

40x Scroll of Wisdom

The Seeker
3x Orb of Annulment
All that is flawed is worthless. The slightest error, and this might as well be trash.

3x Orb of Annulment

The Sephirot
10x Divine Orb
If the path to divinity were simple, we'd all be gods.

10x Divine Orb

The Side Quest
A Master Seeks Help
You'll never know the things you miss if you keep your eyes closed

A Master Seeks Help

The Sigil
Unassailable Amulet
Three men travelthrough the gate; they carry a protective ward. A faction conspiresagainst their fate, but magic unravels the sword.

Unassailable Amulet

The Siren
The Whispering Ice Corrupted
At the beck and callof The Siren's hand, winter ravagesthe trembling land, and the weight of ice that bindswill break the strongest of minds.

The Whispering Ice Corrupted

The Skeleton
Level 1 Summon Skeletons Quality: +23% Corrupted
They stand among us, and within us.

Level 1 Summon Skeletons Quality: +23% Corrupted

The Soul
Soul Taker
"Most people only have one. I'm a bit of a hoarder."

Soul Taker

The Spark and the Flame
Berek's Respite
When sky meets ground the flames can be found, but who has the will to tame them.

Berek's Respite

The Spoiled Prince
Dictator's Prophecy Wand Item Level: 100
A boy who grows up with everything learns to appreciate nothing.

Dictator's Prophecy Wand Item Level: 100

The Standoff
Rustic Sash
Sometimes your greatest enemy is the only one keeping you breathing.

Rustic Sash

The Stormcaller
Agnerod Staff
If you beckon theLord of Lightning, do not be surprisedwhen you are struck.

Agnerod Staff

The Summoner
Superior Minion Gem Quality: +20%
To own a piece of the Nightmare, you must first belong to the Nightmare.

Superior Minion Gem Quality: +20%

The Sun
Rise of the Phoenix
Each night, the light dies, and each morning she is born anew, embracing the land in her golden wings.

Rise of the Phoenix

The Surgeon
Surgeon's Flask
"He might be lacking in vision, but his virtuosity is undeniable."
- Malachai, on Maligaro

Surgeon's Flask

The Surveyor
Map Map Tier: 14
Exploring lands made of flesh and sorrow, we'll reap and plunder like there's no tomorrow.

Map Map Tier: 14

The Survivalist
7x Orb of Alchemy
A lucky number For us all To help us through The perils told.

7x Orb of Alchemy

The Sword King's Salute
Daresso's Salute
Many were slain by the sword king Their blood decorating his ring Those who retreated were slaughtered Those who fought bravely were honoured

Daresso's Salute

The Thaumaturgist
Shavronne's Revelation Corrupted
"Mastery of thaumaturgy is like any other pursuit; it requires dedication and sacrifice. Sometimes several sacrifices."
- Shavronne of Umbra

Shavronne's Revelation Corrupted

The Throne
Kaom's Roots Corrupted
A king's movement is unwavering.

Kaom's Roots Corrupted

The Tower
A tower built of the strongest stone is not eternal; a towering intellect is not enlightened.


The Traitor
Wand Corrupted
Sometimes an apprentice becomes a master through countless hours of hard work and practice.
Sometimes it happens by force.

Wand Corrupted

The Trial
Map Map Tier: 15 Corrupted
You cannot journey to new lands until you have the courage to leave the safety of home.

Map Map Tier: 15 Corrupted

The Twilight Moon
The Twilight Temple
The day is dying, the night is born, the air grows cool, the sky is torn.

The Twilight Temple

The Twins
Gemini Claw of Celebration Item Level: 83
Two sides of a coin; Heads for a friend, tails a foe; Gemini toss up

Gemini Claw of Celebration Item Level: 83

The Tyrant
Merciless Weapon Item Level: 100
"Fear controls the masses."
- Laszlo, the Scourge

Merciless Weapon Item Level: 100

The Undaunted
Nemesis Item Corrupted
"Fate was always my nemesis...
But it didn't stop me then, and it won't stop me now."
- Kjetilbrann,
The Undaunted

Nemesis Item Corrupted

The Undisputed
Merciless Vaal Axe Item Level: 100 Elder Item
To create something truly spectacular, you must risk total failure.

Merciless Vaal Axe Item Level: 100 Elder Item

The Union
10x Gemcutter's Prism
On the 21st of Eterni,
two become one,
their light outshines
the setting sun.

10x Gemcutter's Prism

The Valkyrie
Nemesis Item
The villain strikes,
the world is torn.
A war begins, a hero is born,
The nemesis sets the sky alight.
A hero's sacrifice
sets everything right.
- Drake's Epitaph

Nemesis Item

The Valley of Steel Boxes
Monstrous Treasure
"The most valuable treasures should be hidden in plain sight."
- Ina,
Keeper of Goods

Monstrous Treasure

The Vast
Song of the Sirens
Can you hear the siren's calls,
Just beyond the sea?
A voice which hearts
of men enthralls,
I too am hooked to thee.

Song of the Sirens

The Visionary
Lioneye's Vision
Lioneye looked to the heights of glorious victory. And thus he missed the defeat right under his nose.

Lioneye's Vision

The Void
Reach into the Void and claim your prize.
The Warden
Amulet Corrupted
Brutus' first innovation as Lord Incarcerator was a weighted chain around every neck so that his prisoners would forever bow to him.

Amulet Corrupted

The Warlord
Six-Link Coronal Maul Item Level: 83
To cure the Goddess,
and break the chains of corruption,
you must shatter the world.

Six-Link Coronal Maul Item Level: 83

The Watcher
Crown of Eyes
Strange eyes on top of spines
Gaze beyond the veil of time
Deep down below the mines
A dream of crimson and of grime

Crown of Eyes

The Web
Weapon of Crafting
A weapon, a shelter, a prison.
The web's purpose changes
with the spider's needs.
A lesson we should
take to heart.

Weapon of Crafting

The Wilted Rose
Level 21 Aura Gem Corrupted
Though the path to divinity is fraught with peril, hope may bloom from within.

Level 21 Aura Gem Corrupted

The Wind
Weaving through the cracks, searching for weaknesses, silent, indiscriminate, leaving sorrow in its wake.


The Witch
Kiara's Determination
A wanderer in the wild strives
Against countless foes he survives
A fool pursues a quest contrived
By the gift of the witch, alive.

Kiara's Determination

The Wolf
Rigwald Item
The largest beasts cannot be overpowered. The Greatwolf teaches us to use guile, not strength, to probe for the soft flesh and strike deep.

Rigwald Item

The Wolf's Legacy
Vaults of Atziri
The howls and cackling could not mask the sadness.

Vaults of Atziri

The Wolf's Shadow
Hyaon's Fury
"If I fall, we will fall together with my fangs in your throat."

Hyaon's Fury

The Wolven King's Bite
Rigwald's Quills
A wolf does not bite his mate as he does his prey, yet both begin with bared teeth. Know who you are, and you will know the meaning of the bite.

Rigwald's Quills

The Wolverine
Claw Corrupted
Claw them from the bottom, you'll be glad that you have got 'em, claw them from the top, you'll never want to stop.

Claw Corrupted

The World Eater
Its body knows no limits. Its appetite knows no bounds.


The Wrath
10x Chaos Orb
"Daughter of catastrophe, mother of pain. Amongst the filth of Wraeclast, she wanders, and her wrath follows." - Quintoon the Returned

10x Chaos Orb

The Wretched
Necromancers, believe me, are more terrifying than their thralls.


Thirst for Knowledge
A ravenous mind can readily take in ideas from any source.
Fortunately for the scholars, he has already learned about sustainability.
Three Faces in the Dark
3x Chaos Orb
For every threat you spy in the shadows, there are two others you don't.

3x Chaos Orb

Three Voices
3x Essence
The village elders had a curious rule: If you hear three voices scream for aid, flee as fast as you can.

3x Essence

Thunderous Skies
Storm Cloud
Many that have wielded the power of lightning have said that death by electrocution looks like the victim is more alive than ever before.

Storm Cloud

Time-Lost Relic
League-Specific Item
Time cannot wash away that which cannot be forgotten.

League-Specific Item

Voltaxic Rift
Beware the sudden calm, for it is a sure sign of a storm on the horizon.

Voltaxic Rift

Treasure Hunter
Vaults of Atziri Corrupted
"Don't worry,
I know what I'm doing."
- Toggo's Last Words

Vaults of Atziri Corrupted

Turn the Other Cheek
Pacifism Corrupted
"Only after one forsakes rage, can true power be found."
- Sekhema Asenath

Pacifism Corrupted

Tabula Rasa Corrupted


Tabula Rasa Corrupted

Vile Power
Ancient Doom
Dread and danger makes the air feel thin.
Above, power slumbers, tempting fate.
Greed and ambititon draws countless in,
For those who seek power can never wait.

Ancient Doom

Vinia's Token
10x Orb of Regret
You can change your name, but you cannot change your history.

10x Orb of Regret

Void of the Elements
Overpowering Opal Ring Item Level: 100 Elder Item
Though the forces of nature are mighty and intimidating, it is their absence which should be feared.

Overpowering Opal Ring Item Level: 100 Elder Item

Volatile Power
Superior Vaal Gem Quality: +20% Corrupted
Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.

Superior Vaal Gem Quality: +20% Corrupted

Wealth and Power
Level 4 Enlighten Corrupted
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth or power he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to positively affect those around him.

Level 4 Enlighten Corrupted