The Cataclysm
Level 21 Spell Gem Corrupted
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Drop Level

Areas Found

  • Abandoned Dam
  • Ancient Catacomb
  • Arcane Chambers
  • Blind Alley
  • Clouded Ledge
  • Clouded Ridge
  • Concealed Caldarium
  • Concealed Cavity
  • Covered-up Hollow
  • Cremated Archives
  • Deathly Chambers
  • Desolate Isle
  • Desolate Track
  • Disused Furnace
  • Dusty Bluff
  • Entombed Alcove
  • Entombed Chamber
  • Evacuated Quarter
  • Flooded Complex
  • Forbidden Archives
  • Forbidden Chamber
  • Forbidden Shrine
  • Forgotten Conduit
  • Forgotten Gulch
  • Forgotten Oubliette
  • Haunted Mineshaft
  • Hidden Patch
  • Inner Grounds
  • Moonlit Chambers
  • Mystical Clearing
  • Narrow Ravine
  • Neglected Cellar
  • Quarantined Quarters
  • Radiant Pools
  • Reclaimed Barracks
  • Remote Gulch
  • Restricted Collection
  • Restricted Gallery
  • Sacred Chambers
  • Sealed Basement
  • Sealed Corridors
  • Sealed Repository
  • Secluded Canal
  • Secluded Copse
  • Secret Laboratory
  • Shifting Sands
  • Side Chapel
  • Stagnant Canal
  • Strange Sinkhole
  • Sunken Shingle
  • Twisted Inquisitorium
  • Walled-off Ducts