
Casts a temporary aura that prevents energy shield recharge being delayed by damage taken for you and your allies.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
base_skill_area_of_effect_+% 2
Non-Vaal Counterpart

Base Stats

base_maximum_energy_shield base_skill_effect_duration energy_shield_recharge_not_delayed_by_damage base_deal_no_damage modifiers_to_buff_effect_duration_also_affect_soul_prevention_duration
0 3000 1 1 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. Mana Cost active_skill_base_radius_+
1 24 58 0 0
2 27 64 0 1
3 30 71 0 2
4 33 77 0 3
5 36 83 0 4
6 39 90 0 5
7 42 96 0 6
8 45 102 0 7
9 48 109 0 8
10 50 113 0 9
11 52 117 0 10
12 54 121 0 11
13 56 125 0 12
14 58 130 0 13
15 60 134 0 14
16 62 138 0 15
17 64 142 0 16
18 66 146 0 17
19 68 151 0 18
20 70 155 0 19
21 72 159 0 20
22 74 163 0 21
23 76 167 0 22
24 78 172 0 23
25 80 176 0 24
26 82 180 0 25
27 84 184 0 26
28 86 188 0 27
29 88 193 0 28
30 90 197 0 29
31 91 199 0 29
32 92 201 0 30
33 93 203 0 30
34 94 205 0 31
35 95 207 0 31
36 96 209 0 32
37 97 211 0 32
38 98 214 0 33
39 99 216 0 33
40 100 218 0 34