
Summon a Holy Relic that stays near you. When you hit an enemy with an attack, the Holy Relic triggers a nova spell, with a very short cooldown, that deals physical damage to enemies and grants life regeneration to allies. This life regeneration is higher when applied to minions.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
base_skill_area_of_effect_+% 0.5
Base Stats

base_number_of_relics_allowed minions_cannot_taunt_enemies
1 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. str Req. Mana Cost active_skill_minion_movement_velocity_+%_final holy_relic_nova_life_regeneration_rate_per_minute holy_relic_nova_minion_life_regeneration_rate_per_second
1 4 0 0 11 0 209 6
2 6 0 0 12 4 249 8
3 9 17 0 13 8 317 11
4 12 21 14 14 12 401 14
5 16 26 18 15 16 534 18
6 20 31 22 16 20 697 25
7 24 37 25 17 24 891 33
8 28 42 29 18 28 1119 43
9 32 47 33 19 32 1381 54
10 36 52 36 20 36 1681 67
11 40 58 40 21 40 2019 83
12 44 63 44 22 44 2399 100
13 48 68 48 23 48 2821 121
14 52 74 51 24 52 3288 144
15 55 78 54 25 56 3690 167
16 58 82 57 26 60 4122 190
17 61 86 60 26 64 4587 215
18 64 90 62 27 68 5085 244
19 67 94 65 27 72 5616 275
20 70 98 68 28 76 6183 309
21 72 100 70 28 80 6625 331
22 74 103 72 29 84 6949 347
23 76 106 73 29 88 7281 364
24 78 108 75 30 92 7621 381
25 80 111 77 30 96 7969 398
26 82 113 79 30 100 8325 416
27 84 116 81 30 104 8689 434
28 86 119 83 31 108 9060 453
29 88 121 85 31 112 9440 472
30 90 124 86 32 116 9828 491
31 91 125 87 33 118 9926 496
32 92 127 88 33 120 10026 501
33 93 128 89 33 122 10127 506
34 94 129 90 33 124 10229 511
35 95 131 91 34 126 10331 516
36 96 132 92 34 128 10436 521
37 97 133 93 34 130 10541 527
38 98 135 94 34 132 10646 532
39 99 136 95 35 134 10754 538
40 100 137 96 35 136 10862 543