
Performs a warcry, granting increased damage and mana regeneration to the user and nearby allies if there are nearby enemies. The damage increase is proportional to the number of surrounding enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies to attack the user. Shares a cooldown with other Warcry skills.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
skill_effect_duration_+% 1.5
Base Stats

base_skill_effect_duration base_deal_no_damage
8000 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. str Req. Mana Cost inspiring_cry_damage_+%_per_one_hundred_nearby_enemies damage_+% base_mana_regeneration_rate_per_minute
1 10 29 6 140 10 108
2 13 35 6 142 10 144
3 17 43 7 144 11 186
4 21 52 8 146 11 228
5 25 60 8 148 11 264
6 29 69 9 150 12 306
7 33 77 10 152 12 348
8 36 83 10 154 12 390
9 39 90 11 156 13 426
10 42 96 11 158 13 468
11 45 102 12 160 13 510
12 48 109 12 162 14 552
13 51 115 13 164 14 594
14 54 121 14 166 14 636
15 57 127 14 168 15 678
16 60 134 15 170 15 720
17 63 140 15 172 15 762
18 66 146 16 174 16 804
19 68 151 16 176 16 846
20 70 155 16 178 16 888
21 72 159 17 180 17 930
22 74 163 17 182 17 972
23 76 167 18 184 17 1014
24 78 172 18 186 18 1062
25 80 176 18 188 18 1104
26 82 180 19 190 18 1146
27 84 184 19 192 19 1188
28 86 188 19 194 19 1230
29 88 193 20 196 19 1278
30 90 197 20 198 20 1320
31 91 199 20 199 20 1341
32 92 201 20 200 20 1362
33 93 203 21 201 20 1383
34 94 205 21 202 20 1404
35 95 207 21 203 20 1425
36 96 209 21 204 21 1446
37 97 211 21 205 21 1470
38 98 214 22 206 21 1494
39 99 216 22 207 21 1515
40 100 218 22 208 21 1536