
Discharge all the character's charges to deal elemental damage to all nearby monsters.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
base_skill_area_of_effect_+% 0.5
Base Stats

skill_override_pvp_scaling_time_ms discharge_triggered_damage_+%_final base_skill_show_average_damage_instead_of_dps is_area_damage
1400 -35 1 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. Mana Cost spell_minimum_base_lightning_damage_per_removable_power_charge spell_maximum_base_lightning_damage_per_removable_power_charge spell_minimum_base_fire_damage_per_removable_endurance_charge spell_maximum_base_fire_damage_per_removable_endurance_charge spell_minimum_base_cold_damage_per_removable_frenzy_charge spell_maximum_base_cold_damage_per_removable_frenzy_charge
1 28 67 13 5 93 35 52 29 43
2 31 73 14 6 110 41 61 34 50
3 34 79 15 7 128 48 72 39 59
4 37 85 16 8 149 56 84 46 68
5 40 92 16 9 173 65 97 53 79
6 42 96 17 10 190 71 107 58 87
7 44 100 18 11 209 78 117 64 96
8 46 104 18 12 230 86 129 70 106
9 48 109 19 13 252 94 141 77 116
10 50 113 19 15 276 103 155 84 127
11 52 117 20 16 302 113 169 92 139
12 54 121 20 17 330 123 185 101 152
13 56 125 21 19 360 135 202 110 165
14 58 130 21 21 393 147 221 120 180
15 60 134 22 23 428 160 240 131 197
16 62 138 22 25 466 175 262 143 214
17 64 142 23 27 507 190 285 155 233
18 66 146 24 29 552 206 310 169 253
19 68 151 24 32 599 224 337 184 275
20 70 155 25 34 651 244 365 199 299
21 72 159 25 37 706 264 397 216 324
22 74 163 26 40 766 287 430 235 352
23 76 167 26 44 830 311 466 254 381
24 78 172 27 47 900 337 505 275 413
25 80 176 27 51 974 365 547 298 447
26 82 180 28 55 1054 394 592 323 484
27 84 184 28 60 1140 427 640 349 524
28 86 188 29 65 1233 461 692 377 566
29 88 193 30 70 1332 499 748 408 612
30 90 197 30 76 1439 539 808 441 661
31 91 199 30 79 1496 560 840 458 687
32 92 201 31 82 1554 582 873 476 714
33 93 203 31 85 1615 604 907 494 742
34 94 205 31 88 1678 628 942 514 771
35 95 207 31 92 1743 652 978 534 800
36 96 209 32 95 1810 678 1016 554 831
37 97 211 32 99 1880 704 1056 576 864
38 98 214 32 103 1953 731 1096 598 897
39 99 216 33 107 2028 759 1138 621 931
40 100 218 33 111 2105 788 1182 645 967