
Curse all targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage and causing them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
degen_effect_+% 0.5
Base Stats

Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. int Req. Mana Cost base_skill_effect_duration active_skill_base_radius_+ base_chaos_damage_resistance_% degen_effect_+% minimum_added_chaos_damage_taken maximum_added_chaos_damage_taken
1 24 58 16 9000 0 -20 15 9 12
2 27 64 17 9100 1 -20 16 11 13
3 30 71 18 9200 1 -21 16 12 15
4 33 77 19 9300 2 -21 17 14 17
5 36 83 21 9400 2 -22 17 15 19
6 39 90 22 9500 3 -22 18 17 21
7 42 96 23 9600 3 -23 18 19 24
8 45 102 24 9700 4 -23 19 21 26
9 48 109 25 9800 4 -24 19 23 29
10 50 113 26 9900 5 -24 20 25 31
11 52 117 26 10000 5 -25 20 27 33
12 54 121 27 10100 6 -25 21 28 36
13 56 125 28 10200 6 -26 21 30 38
14 58 130 29 10300 7 -26 22 32 40
15 60 134 29 10400 7 -27 22 34 43
16 62 138 30 10500 8 -27 23 36 45
17 64 142 31 10600 8 -28 23 39 48
18 66 146 31 10700 9 -28 24 41 51
19 68 151 32 10800 9 -29 24 43 54
20 70 155 33 10900 10 -29 25 46 57
21 72 159 34 11000 10 -30 25 49 61
22 74 163 34 11100 11 -30 26 51 64
23 76 167 35 11200 11 -31 26 54 68
24 78 172 36 11300 12 -31 27 57 72
25 80 176 36 11400 12 -32 27 60 76
26 82 180 37 11500 13 -32 28 64 80
27 84 184 38 11600 13 -33 28 67 84
28 86 188 39 11700 14 -33 29 71 89
29 88 193 39 11800 14 -34 29 75 93
30 90 197 40 11900 15 -34 30 79 98
31 91 199 40 11950 15 -34 30 81 101
32 92 201 41 12000 15 -35 30 83 104
33 93 203 41 12050 15 -35 30 85 106
34 94 205 42 12100 16 -35 31 87 109
35 95 207 42 12150 16 -35 31 90 112
36 96 209 42 12200 16 -36 31 92 115
37 97 211 43 12250 16 -36 31 94 118
38 98 214 43 12300 17 -36 32 97 121
39 99 216 43 12350 17 -36 32 99 124
40 100 218 44 12400 17 -37 32 102 127