
Channel this skill to move towards a targeted location while spinning, building up stages while constantly attacking enemies in an area around you. While channelling this skill, you cannot be stunned or knocked back.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
base_skill_area_of_effect_+% 0.5
Base Stats

cyclone_movement_speed_+%_final cyclone_first_hit_damage_+%_final cyclone_melee_weapon_range_+_per_stage cyclone_stage_decay_time_ms is_area_damage skill_can_add_multiple_charges_per_action
-30 -50 1 330 1 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. dex Req. str Req. Mana Cost cyclone_gain_stage_every_x_ms_while_channelling attack_minimum_added_physical_damage attack_maximum_added_physical_damage cyclone_max_number_of_stages
1 28 42 29 2 330 5 8 3
2 31 46 32 2 330 6 9 3
3 34 50 35 2 330 7 10 3
4 37 54 37 2 330 8 12 3
5 40 58 40 2 330 9 13 3
6 42 60 42 2 250 10 14 4
7 44 63 44 2 250 10 16 4
8 46 66 46 2 250 11 17 4
9 48 68 48 2 250 12 18 4
10 50 71 49 2 250 13 20 4
11 52 74 51 2 200 14 22 5
12 54 76 53 2 200 16 23 5
13 56 79 55 2 200 17 25 5
14 58 82 57 2 200 18 27 5
15 60 84 59 2 200 20 29 5
16 62 87 60 2 170 21 32 6
17 64 90 62 2 170 23 34 6
18 66 92 64 2 170 24 37 6
19 68 95 66 2 170 26 39 6
20 70 98 68 2 170 28 42 6
21 72 100 70 2 140 30 45 7
22 74 103 72 2 140 32 49 7
23 76 106 73 2 140 35 52 7
24 78 108 75 2 140 37 56 7
25 80 111 77 2 140 40 60 7
26 82 113 79 2 125 43 64 8
27 84 116 81 2 125 46 69 8
28 86 119 83 2 125 49 73 8
29 88 121 85 2 125 52 78 8
30 90 124 86 2 125 56 84 8
31 91 125 87 2 125 58 87 8
32 92 127 88 2 110 60 89 9
33 93 128 89 2 110 62 92 9
34 94 129 90 2 110 64 96 9
35 95 131 91 2 110 66 99 9
36 96 132 92 2 110 68 102 9
37 97 133 93 2 110 70 105 9
38 98 135 94 2 110 73 109 9
39 99 136 95 2 110 75 112 9
40 100 137 96 2 110 77 116 9