
Curses all targets in an area, making them more vulnerable to Critical Strikes. Killing the cursed targets will grant life and mana, and a chance to gain a power charge.

Gem Quality Effect(s) Per %

id Value
chance_to_grant_power_charge_on_death_% 0.5
Base Stats

base_self_critical_strike_multiplier_-% base_deal_no_damage
-20 1
Per Level Stats

Level Level Req. dex Req. int Req. Mana Cost base_skill_effect_duration active_skill_base_radius_+ enemy_additional_critical_strike_chance_against_self life_granted_when_killed mana_granted_when_killed chance_to_grant_power_charge_on_death_%
1 24 25 37 16 6000 0 150 16 16 21
2 27 28 41 17 6200 1 160 16 16 21
3 30 31 45 18 6400 1 160 17 17 22
4 33 34 49 19 6600 2 170 17 17 22
5 36 36 52 21 6800 2 170 18 18 23
6 39 39 56 22 7000 3 180 18 18 23
7 42 42 60 23 7200 3 180 19 19 24
8 45 45 64 24 7400 4 190 19 19 24
9 48 48 68 25 7600 4 190 20 20 25
10 50 49 71 26 7800 5 200 20 20 25
11 52 51 74 26 8000 5 200 21 21 26
12 54 53 76 27 8200 6 210 21 21 26
13 56 55 79 28 8400 6 210 22 22 27
14 58 57 82 29 8600 7 220 22 22 27
15 60 59 84 29 8800 7 220 23 23 28
16 62 60 87 30 9000 8 230 23 23 28
17 64 62 90 31 9200 8 230 24 24 29
18 66 64 92 31 9400 9 240 24 24 29
19 68 66 95 32 9600 9 240 25 25 30
20 70 68 98 33 9800 10 250 25 25 30
21 72 70 100 34 10000 10 250 26 26 31
22 74 72 103 34 10200 11 260 26 26 31
23 76 73 106 35 10400 11 260 27 27 32
24 78 75 108 36 10600 12 270 27 27 32
25 80 77 111 36 10800 12 270 28 28 33
26 82 79 113 37 11000 13 280 28 28 33
27 84 81 116 38 11200 13 280 29 29 34
28 86 83 119 39 11400 14 290 29 29 34
29 88 85 121 39 11600 14 290 30 30 35
30 90 86 124 40 11800 15 300 30 30 35
31 91 87 125 40 11900 15 300 30 30 35
32 92 88 127 41 12000 15 300 31 31 36
33 93 89 128 41 12100 15 300 31 31 36
34 94 90 129 42 12200 16 310 31 31 36
35 95 91 131 42 12300 16 310 31 31 36
36 96 92 132 42 12400 16 310 32 32 37
37 97 93 133 43 12500 16 310 32 32 37
38 98 94 135 43 12600 17 320 32 32 37
39 99 95 136 43 12700 17 320 32 32 37
40 100 96 137 44 12800 17 320 33 33 38